What Is Trauma Therapy?

Life comes with worries and misfortunes, but there is always hope, especially with the proper support. Trauma therapy is a means to process catastrophic events or abuse that lead to trauma and is often a precursor to addiction or mental health conditions. Trauma therapy focuses on the emotional response and behavioral changes a person displays due to trauma. Traumatized individuals often turn to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism. Where drugs or alcohol start as a balm to ease the pain, a tolerance will develop, creating dependency and addiction. Below we will discuss different types of therapy that support the healing of traumatic events and addiction.

What Type of Therapy Is Best for Trauma?

The best trauma therapy depends on the suffering individual. Multiple factors are taken into consideration. For instance, complex trauma is the kind that arises from repeated traumatic events, often stemming from childhood experiences. Therapy methods are mindful of the individual’s fragility and will find safe workarounds for those with PTSD. Trauma therapy incorporates problem-solving techniques while getting to the root of the problem.

Types of trauma therapy include: 

  • Prolonged Exposure (PE): This method repeatedly exposes a person to their fear until they are no longer afraid to face it. Skills and techniques are taught to help patients manage their thoughts and emotions during the process. 
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT): CPT (a form of cognitive behavioral therapy) is completed in individual and group sessions, allowing patients to express their perceptions and feelings of a specific traumatic situation and how it impacted their lives. 
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): EMDR therapy involves bilateral stimulation through eye movement, using various rhythms and physical stimuli to reduce stress while releasing built-up tension and emotions resulting from traumatic events.
  • Music therapy: Music therapy is a low-impact yet highly effective form of trauma therapy. It allows for the safe expression of feelings and emotions while a patient uses instruments, singing, dancing, and songwriting to stay calm and grounded. 

How Does Trauma Therapy Work?

During trauma therapy, a therapist will walk you through several techniques. For example, exposure therapy is a method used to help patients work through real-life situations and apply skills learned in-session to overcome fear and detach from past trauma. A less intense version of exposure therapy is imaginal exposure, which encourages patients to vividly imagine what they fear in their mind using their new coping skills to navigate the anxiety. Impact statements and written account techniques are used to evaluate the trauma’s impact on a patient’s life. Cognitive restructuring strategies are used to encourage the patient to practice positive and helpful internal dialogue.

Trauma Counseling at Sunshine Care Centers

At Sunshine Care Centers, we are dedicated to providing patients with the resources they need to recover. From music therapy to cognitive-behavioral and trauma therapy, we have a program to fit your needs. If you or a loved one is ready to tackle mental health concerns or substance use disorder, Sunshine Care Centers has your back.

Sunshine Care Centers has a suite of specialists with over 30 years of experience in drug and alcohol rehabilitation to assist you on the road to recovery. Whether in North Texas or Southern California, Sunshine Care Centers offers the highest level of care available. We pride ourselves on our clean, compassionate, and secure environment. We use evidence-based addiction treatment with flexible programs that cater to your needs. 

Don’t wait to receive the help you deserve. 

Speak to a specialist at Sunshine Care Centers by calling 883-597-CARE or message us today! 


Related Readings: 

Trauma Based Therapies

Benefits of Music Therapy